
Monday, January 20, 2014

18 months

So our little Variah is now 18 months! That is a year and a half people! I cannot believe time has flown by so quickly.  As I set up things for her photo shoot, I remembered how I used to do that every month with her.  Let's just say those first months of photos were a breeze compared to the one I took for her on the 15th! She did not want to sit still.  I know, shocker right?! She looked so cute though in her little dress from Larlie and Pop!  I thought she would suck on the necklace my mom made her, but nope, she wanted that thing off.  I guess it is just my necklaces she likes to munch on.  Go figure!

This is the best I could get..and it just happened to be the first one I took

Off comes the necklace

She's off of the chair

I love this picture of her! 

Now she's standing on the chair and destroying the backdrop

Now she's getting into the clothes in her dresser

She loves reading "booka"s-YEAH!

In the past I would write three things that she loves. I would say that she loves being around other kids, she loves hiding from us and "scaring us" and she loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse still. In fact she will actually sit for a whole episode of Mickey Mouse.  

At her doctor's appointment she weighed a whopping 20 lbs (3%), she had a growth spurt with height and was 32.48 in long (jumped from the 51% to 75%).  Dr. Ring is still not concerned about her weight. She said that if Variah wasn't getting what she needed then she wouldn't be growing in height. So I guess we just keep on doing what we can to help her put on healthy weight.  

She is learning so many things right now!  She amazes me with the things she can do and the things she remembers.  She can point to these things on her body in both spanish and english-head, hair, nose, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, tongue, elbows, tummy, knees, hands, fingers, feet and toes.  She's almost got chin and cheek down in both languages.

She can say Larlie (more like lala), Pop, Ciara is now just ra, booka for books, Ka for Marika, Ca-Ca for Carsten, Chels, sometimes she can say Trey and Jack, Toot-Toot for toots, push, Nonononono, Ba for bath, hi, buh-bye, thank you and Wa-Wa for water.  She makes the sound for a cow, an owl, a lion, and tries really hard to make the sound for a pig but it comes out like a growl but not the same as her lion growl.  She can sign for please, banana, milk, more and water.  I'm attempting to get her ready someday for potty training so I've taught her to say potty and sign potty at the same time.  She can do both, so now for the next step of going potty on a training toilet. I guess I'll have to go buy one! 

On Sunday Jan. 19th she went to nursery for the first time.  She went in without crying or clinging to me. She saw the kids and the toys and she was set.  It was kinda lonely in Sunday School without her to entertain me. Daniel had to sub in a class, so maybe that added too to the loneliness.  I'll be sending her to nursery again this next week though, it wasn't THAT lonely! I snuck some pictures of her from the door's window.  Leave it to the men to turn tables into ramps and slides!

I can't believe she is old enough to be in nursery.  It will be nice not having her run around the room while I'm teaching Young Womens or terrorizing all the men in Priesthood.  But man, our little one is growing up!

1 comment:

  1. She is seriously adorable! And getting SO big! I always tell Spencer that Marika is not my baby anymore and it's so weird. Love the pictures and the stories!
