
Saturday, January 31, 2015


We spent most of the month just hanging out around home staying warm inside. But don't you worry I took plenty of pictures!!

Who doesn't love a sleeping baby? Everett used to sleep next to me after his last nighttime feeding. I loved cuddling/sleeping next to him. But I am so thankful he sleeps through the night now! 

The boys hanging out

Variah was showing us how strong she was because she was eating her food

We sure love our silly girl

One day we had a "girls day". I painted her nails and then she helped me make pizza dough and breadsticks

Putting the cheese on the breadsticks

Such a handsome little man

Variah loves holding Everett

Variah helped me make cake one day but went to bed before she got to eat any of it. She had been so excited that day we made the cake. So for breakfast the next morning I gave her cake and blueberries. She was pretty excited about that breakfast!

I had the Mia Maids over for a movie night. Variah was finally able to go to Young Womens with me, something she asks to do every Wednesday when I leave for our activity.

This little boy LOVES sucking his thumb!

At the January birthday dinner at my folks place, Carter and Everett were matching so of course we needed a picture of them!

Silly times in the bath

At Everett's 4 month Dr apt he had to have shots. Later when we got home he would only eat from his bottle! He wouldn't nurse, which was super crazy cuz he rarely takes the bottle. 

We started doing Family Home Evening with Variah. Daniel will teach the lesson in Spanish and the next Monday night I do the same topic in English to reinforce the spanish. This is V showing me Daniel in the lions den. It is so fun hearing her tell us the bible stories she's learned about like Daniel in the lions den, Noah and the ark and Jonah and the whale. She sure is a smart girl and likes to retell the stories

Everett loves to stare at and watch Variah. 

Our cutie

This is her "cowgirl" hat

One morning Variah and I were playing in her room and I looked at the window because the garbage truck was stopped across the street. It was the weirdest thing-I saw these two garbage truck drivers taking a smoke break. One had his garbage truck on the corner heading north and the other with his truck heading south. I've never seen this happen. Such a weird thing to see!

While watching TV during nap time one day as the dirty dishes sat in soapy water, I heard a crash like glass breaking or something. I went into the kitchen and didn't see anything. After watching TV for a bit I went to finish up the dishes only to see that the sink had come away from the counter!! WHAT?! I didn't know that could happen. The water had come out of the sink on the side and seeped down through the cupboard....

down through the upstairs floor to the basement and to the floor of the basement! 

So we cleaned out under the sink

Took out the sink

Covered up the hole so we wouldn't forget and use the tap on accident and employed our neighbor Jeff to help Daniel get it fixed. They did a great job and got it all fixed and put back to together!

Just eating some popcorn-I sure love spending time with my kiddos

Look at that smiley face

Everett decided he only wanted to stand to be burped!

We got some Jazz tickets from 4Life to watch them play the Warriors. It was a great game especially because the Warriors were ranked #1 in the league and the Jazz beat them!

We gave 2 tickets to Stephen and Alyssa and 2 other tickets to Caitlyn and Brock. Cait and Brock were on the other side of the arena so we didn't get a picture with them. 

For some reason I came down with Shingles. Luckily I was able to see a doctor and get a prescription that stopped them from itching and kept me from getting anymore. And thankfully they never got painful. 

This little girl LOVES nursery. Now that she is in the older nursery and is bringing home pictures every week I've decided to take pictures of her pictures and throw away the originals. Saves space but preserves the memories.

Variah put this cloth on Everett's head and said, "look mom, he's a pirate" 
We had a good laugh

This little girl is so thoughtful of her stuffed animals. She is changing Ra's diaper in this picture. She got the diaper bag and the changing mat from her room.

I went to get Everett from his hap and found him like this-happy that he had figured out how to pull his blanket off the side of his crib. 

This month Everett turned 4 months old

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! I have never heard of a sink coming apart like that. Crazy!
