
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Randomness in May

Here are a bunch of other pictures and activities from May:

I came out one morning to find this...I was a bit worried to see Daniel asleep and no Variah. I was about to wake up Daniel to find out if he knew where Variah was when I noticed...

My little one hiding on the floor. She sure loves to hide but usually gives her hiding spots away with a cute little giggle

She can now pedal her bike and loves going up and down the sidewalk

I loved that he was sitting like this in the shopping cart. So young but already knows how to have his arm so a lady friend can snuggle on in!

She dressed herself like this and I thought it was so cute but she just kept laughing anytime I tried to take her picture. Instead she wanted to mop the floor! Alrighty then!

For Young Womens we made kits for Brooke to take to Argetina to give to girls she talked to

Look at all those kits

Everett in his cute baseball pajamas

We sure love our little man! 

My Mentor from my first year of teaching retired and invited me to her retirement party. I'm so glad I was able to go and see her as well as other teachers I taught with those first 3 years of my teaching career. This is Carl Sandberg Elementary in West Valley. I loved showing Variah the classrooms that I taught in, in fact one of my teaching friends is in my second classroom!

She climbed up all by herself and sat in the desk while I was chatting with my friend. She's gonna love school I think!

Just being silly

I woke up to a text from Daniel explaining that he'd lost Everett and attached this picture. Haha! 

This little stink pot pulled his blanket off of the back of the crib. He's done this before so I have it folded up and just on the top of the crib, but somehow he pulled it down! It is now on the rocking chair. So for now no rail guards or quilt cuz he knows how to pull them off and be dangerous!

Just dancing...check out Everett's face!

One of the Mia Maids and me watching the Face2Face broadcast with Elder and Sister Bednar

Eating waffles for the very first time. They were a hit, but I'm starting to realize any thing he gets to eat is a hit with this boy who loves to eat!

Variah loves to hold Everett and watch TV with him

They are just so stinking cute!

He is all over the house now that he can army crawl like a champ

After every nap Variah crawls into my lap for snuggle time and to watch "her show"

We told Variah if she would keep her fingers out of her mouth for awhile then we would get her a Belle doll from Beauty and the Beast. She kept her end of the bargain and so did we. She was in heaven!

Her cute picture from Nursery the day I went to MiMi's party

I brought a pink balloon back from MiMi's party. She loved that is was Pink

We made churros one night for our dessert and Variah decided she really like them

Sometimes she lets me hold her hand while we watch TV

This little guy got stuck behind the couch going after these cords!

He's a tornado in this corner

We had a big box so I gave V some markers and stickers to decorate the box. I've seen things on the internet that it has kept kids entertained for long periods of time

Not so much with my daughter. She wanted to destroy it and then turned into a robot with it

Piggyback rides with Daddy

Memorial Day weekend we visited the grave of Daniel's Maternal Grandma Coy with his family.  

Memorial Day night we had a barbecue with the Jeppsons-Jeff, Molly, Lexi (Lu Lu) and Sophie

We had s'mores afterwards and believe it or not, Variah was not a fan!

"I don't like it"

We had a backwards day like on Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood cartoon

All of her clothes were backwards and I tried to do her hair backwards but still keep it out of her eyes

This was one morning while eating her pancake muffins. I tell you, this girl makes some great faces for the camera!!

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